(;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[SmartGo:1.4]CA[UTF-8]ST[2] PW[Bashan]WR[13k] PB[Ersatz888]BR[15k] DT[2004-10-17] PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http\://kgs.kiseido.com/] TM[1800.0]OT[3x30 byo-yomi] HA[2] KM[0.5] RE[B+56.50] AN[grendel [9k?\] and some by thewall [10k\]] RU[Japanese] AB[pd][dp] GC[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: hi Bashan [13k\]\: hello Bashan [13k\]\: Why did you choose this name? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: long story Ersatz888 [15k\]\: needed a name on Yahoo Ersatz888 [15k\]\: opened dictionary Ersatz888 [15k\]\: actuaoly thats not so long Bashan [13k\]\: Question\: can I post our game under http\://senseis.xmp.net/?CommentedGames ? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: sure Ersatz888 [15k\]\: Im honored to go down in go history Bashan [13k\]\: as victorious \:-) grendel [9k?\]\: I hope people agree with my comments \:)] C[ ] ;W[pp]CR[pp]WL[1274.4];B[dc]CR[dc]BL[1278.3];W[ce]CR[ce]WL[1262.2];B[fd] CR[fd]BL[1272.6];W[dh]CR[dh]WL[1257.5];B[nq]CR[nq]BL[1243.8];W[qn]CR[qn] WL[1236.9];B[jq]CR[jq]BL[1235.9] C[grendel [9k?\]\: Ersatz - this four space jump is too far Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I always do it grendel [9k?\]\: you can get away with it if it was on K4 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: habitually grendel [9k?\]\: and it's not a good habit \:) Ersatz888 [15k\]\: its a standard move i think Ersatz888 [15k\]\: 5 lines on the 3rd line Ersatz888 [15k\]\: really gren grendel [9k?\]\: I'm not saying it can't work, but it's vulnerable to being split grendel [9k?\]\: there are times to use it Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i dont mind the split grendel [9k?\]\: ok Bashan [13k\]\: re K3 see http\://senseis.xmp.net/?Extension Ersatz888 [15k\]\: what do they say? Bashan [13k\]\: number of stones = spaces in between Bashan [13k\]\: ideally Ersatz888 [15k\]\: good? bad? grendel [9k?\]\: it has some advantages grendel [9k?\]\: and one glaring disadvantage, the split Ersatz888 [15k\]\: well at this stage Ersatz888 [15k\]\: its working for me ] BM[1];W[kc]CR[kc]WL[1207.0];B[ic]CR[ic]BL[1226.5];W[nc]CR[nc]WL[1203.3];B[pf] CR[pf]BL[1217.9];W[qh]WL[1182.8]TR[pd][pf]SQ[nc][qh] C[grendel [9k?\]\: black needs to move his corner group out into the center Ersatz888 [15k\]\: depending on what else is nearby of course Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i didnt like the corner invasion here grendel [9k?\]\: the ikken-tobi shimari (triangle stones) is vulnerable to being undercut Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yes grendel [9k?\]\: and the two square stones really limit it's chance to spread Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i dont usuallt play that Ersatz888 [15k\]\: now I see why grendel [9k?\]\: no, it can be very good grendel [9k?\]\: you just have to learn how to use it Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yes, in another circumstance grendel [9k?\]\: as I was saying, this is ok for black Bashan [13k\]\: g\: if they don't they will post it grendel [9k?\]\: as long as you move into the center, and not let yourself be sealed in ] ;B[qj]CR[qj]BL[1209.5];W[oh]CR[oh]WL[1138.3];B[oj]CR[oj]BL[1192.7];W[mh] CR[mh]WL[1114.1] (;B[dj]CR[dj]BL[1185.4];W[cl]CR[cl]WL[1091.0];B[cn]CR[cn]BL[1180.8];W[el] CR[el]WL[1084.9] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: interesting board we're making here Ersatz888 [15k\]\: never seen this before Bashan [13k\]\: well, there are zillions of different games Ersatz888 [15k\]\: for sure Bashan [13k\]\: but i'm not sure if this one's so good for me Ersatz888 [15k\]\: dont worry Ersatz888 [15k\]\: Ill crumble in the middle game Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I thought the early board was very very interesting ] ;B[fj]CR[fj]BL[1165.4];W[ej]CR[ej]WL[1012.6];B[ei]CR[ei]BL[1146.0] (;W[cj]CR[cj]WL[1006.1] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I was just going to say no fighting Bashan [13k\]\: why not? Bashan [13k\]\: are you a pacifist? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: no Ersatz888 [15k\]\: haha Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I meant that there had been no fighting Ersatz888 [15k\]\: which was what made the board unusual Bashan [13k\]\: oh i see! ] ;B[ek]CR[ek]BL[1105.8] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I didn't like this exchange for white Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yea Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I wondered why...... Bashan [13k\]\: i wanted to keep my group together grendel [9k?\]\: staying connected is important Ersatz888 [15k\]\: true you got side terr from it grendel [9k?\]\: but black gets a bunch of central influence (see 25A) ] ;W[ck]CR[ck]WL[991.3];B[fh]CR[fh]BL[1098.2];W[ef]CR[ef]WL[980.4];B[ff]CR[ff] BL[1093.9];W[fq]CR[fq]WL[968.7];B[eq]CR[eq]BL[1083.8] C[grendel [9k?\]\: And Ersatz! grendel [9k?\]\: GOOD! grendel [9k?\]\: You finally played the diagonal extension at the right time \:D Ersatz888 [15k\]\: master approves Ersatz888 [15k\]\: just kidding ] ;W[fp]CR[fp]WL[957.6] (;B[gq]CR[gq]BL[1073.5] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: that wasnt so good Ersatz888 [15k\]\: right? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: the only thing I hoped for Ersatz888 [15k\]\: was to connect under grendel [9k?\]\: can't happen with the F4 stone in place Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yea (see 34A) ] ;W[gr]CR[gr]WL[945.6];B[hq]CR[hq]BL[1069.1];W[er]CR[er]WL[936.1];B[dr]CR[dr] BL[1065.6];W[ep]CR[ep]WL[934.6];B[dq]CR[dq]BL[1064.1];W[do]CR[do]WL[925.9] ;B[co]CR[co]BL[1061.0] (;W[dm]CR[dm]WL[910.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this looked strange to me, Bashan Bashan [13k\]\: yes grendel [9k?\]\: why did you play this instead of D6? Bashan [13k\]\: i was afraid of D8 Bashan [13k\]\: i was happy that ersatz didn't catch it grendel [9k?\]\: well, it's a small move for black Ersatz888 [15k\]\: it was tempting ] BM[1] (;B[ql]CR[ql]BL[1013.3] C[Bashan [13k\]\: was there a chance for me to kill this group? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: looks killable as stands Ersatz888 [15k\]\: maybe not? grendel [9k?\]\: with your stones on the 12'th line being without a base, and the black influence on the left and bottom, I don't think so grendel [9k?\]\: you could push on it, but not kill it, I'd say Bashan [13k\]\: ok grendel [9k?\]\: I could be wrong, but I think it can live ] ;W[qc]CR[qc]WL[894.2] C[Bashan [13k\]\: good idea to tenuki Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thanks but Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i wimped out Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i woulda played that spot you just took Ersatz888 [15k\]\: but Grendel is watching Ersatz888 [15k\]\: and would give me hell Ersatz888 [15k\]\: 'that hurt Bashan [13k\]\: it's a pity we can't hear what kibitzes says Ersatz888 [15k\]\: Gren Ersatz888 [15k\]\: what about r17 for b Ersatz888 [15k\]\: settle corner Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I hate to say this Ersatz888 [15k\]\: but I woulda done it if you werent watching grendel [9k?\]\: Actually, I would have recommended Q17, not R17 grendel [9k?\]\: but moving into the center is more important Ersatz888 [15k\]\: does q17 prevent a 33 invasion? grendel [9k?\]\: yep Bashan [13k\]\: how about P17? grendel [9k?\]\: P17 does not Ersatz888 [15k\]\: you can still invade 33 Bashan [13k\]\: ok, forgot the proverb\: 33 lives always grendel [9k?\]\: not always, but often ] ;B[pc]CR[pc]BL[947.8]TR[pf] C[grendel [9k?\]\: ok, there were some important mistakes made here Ersatz888 [15k\]\: gren Ersatz888 [15k\]\: what about s7 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: instead of r8? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: just curious grendel [9k?\]\: Bashan, because of this stone (triangle), you have to sagari - play towards the edge first (see 47A; see http\://senseis.xmp.net/?Sagari)] (;W[qd]CR[qd]WL[873.7];B[qe]CR[qe]BL[945.8];W[pb]CR[pb]WL[865.2];B[ob]CR[ob] BL[941.0];W[qb]CR[qb]WL[859.7];B[oc]CR[oc]BL[933.6];W[nb]CR[nb]WL[846.2] C[grendel [9k?\]\: now, black is about to make a very important mistake grendel [9k?\]\: can you guess what? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: p19? grendel [9k?\]\: not playing P19 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: are you saying b coulve killed w qith p19? grendel [9k?\]\: I'm pretty sure Ersatz888 [15k\]\: lets see that then (see 54A) ] (;B[nd]CR[nd]BL[930.0]BM[2];W[md]CR[md]WL[837.6];B[ne]CR[ne]BL[924.2];W[me] CR[me]WL[819.5];B[nf]CR[nf]BL[917.1];W[oa]CR[oa]WL[818.5];B[rd]CR[rd]BL[913.7] ;W[rc]CR[rc]WL[796.1];B[sd]CR[sd]BL[903.8];W[rf]CR[rf]WL[794.7];B[qf]CR[qf] BL[898.5];W[qg]CR[qg]WL[788.5];B[oe]CR[oe]BL[895.4];W[og]CR[og]WL[770.8] ;B[of]CR[of]BL[890.5];W[mf]CR[mf]WL[753.7];B[re]CR[re]BL[883.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: saving the S16 stones was very small ]BM[1];W[mj]CR[mj] WL[709.1] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this was very good, Bashan - push on black's weak group grendel [9k?\]\: push on the weak group, build influence Bashan [13k\]\: OK, thx ] TE[1];B[nk]CR[nk]BL[874.1];W[mk]CR[mk]WL[697.7];B[ml]CR[ml]BL[871.9];W[nl] CR[nl]WL[684.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: the cut is too soon, though, as you saw ]BM[1];B[nm]CR[nm] BL[857.5];W[ol]CR[ol]WL[683.2];B[om]CR[om]BL[855.2];W[mn]CR[mn]WL[590.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is a raw peep grendel [9k?\]\: there are times when a peep is very useful (see next move) Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I thought Bashan did a good job of coming out here grendel [9k?\]\: and, black didn't need to answer it Ersatz888 [15k\]\: how would it look if i didnt? (see 80A)] BM[1] (;B[mm]CR[mm]BL[851.0] C[grendel [9k?\]\: but, Bashan, you cause black to connect, then you ignore the stone ] ;W[lq]CR[lq]WL[579.7];B[lr]CR[lr]BL[842.4] (;W[np]CR[np]WL[563.6];B[mq]CR[mq]BL[839.2];W[mp]CR[mp]WL[562.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this just feels too soft to me grendel [9k?\]\: esp. since white is behind (See 83A) ] BM[1];B[lp]CR[lp]BL[822.3];W[lo]CR[lo]WL[560.0];B[kq]CR[kq]BL[820.1];W[oq] CR[oq]WL[553.6];B[or]CR[or]BL[817.9] C[grendel [9k?\]\: Ersatz - this is a gote move Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i didnt like it Ersatz888 [15k\]\: what woulda been better? (See 92) ] BM[1];W[pr]CR[pr]WL[550.3];B[nr]CR[jn][nr]BL[814.6]TR[cc][je][ig][ii] C[grendel [9k?\]\: actually, you can still invade from here grendel [9k?\]\: because you have the peep (see 94A) grendel [9k?\]\: these (triangles) would be much bigger moves Bashan [13k\]\: B did a good job at getting those points eventually. Bashan [13k\]\: how about K6 (circle)? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: came in the back door Ersatz888 [15k\]\: anyhow grendel [9k?\]\: I don't think so, because white has the influence on the left to reduce grendel [9k?\]\: I just don't see much territory developing on the bottom center Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i did lose alot of terr on bottom centre grendel [9k?\]\: no, er, there isn't a lot of territory on the bottom Ersatz888 [15k\]\: before n6 there mighta been Ersatz888 [15k\]\: also Ersatz888 [15k\]\: cuz it solidified his corner for him ] (;W[ko]CR[ko]WL[527.3] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I'm thinking this is too small as well Ersatz888 [15k\]\: w mighta played out into the centre sooner grendel [9k?\]\: yeah, white needed to Ersatz888 [15k\]\: look at the wall on the N line Ersatz888 [15k\]\: never was exploited ] BM[1] (;B[cd]CR[cd]BL[811.8] C[Bashan [13k\]\: big move! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: one hopes ]TE[1];W[de]CR[de] WL[483.7];B[bd]CR[bd]BL[805.6];W[be]CR[be]WL[469.7];B[jd]CR[jd]BL[753.0] ;W[jc]CR[jc]WL[434.2] (;B[id]CR[id]BL[739.8];W[dn]CR[dn]WL[427.5];B[ho]CR[ho]BL[734.9];W[ip]CR[ip] WL[407.5];B[hp]CR[hp]BL[731.5];W[iq]CR[iq]WL[400.7];B[ir]CR[ir]BL[725.3] ;W[io]CR[io]WL[395.2];B[hr]CR[hr]BL[723.2];W[hn]CR[hn]WL[381.3];B[fl]CR[fl] BL[713.1];W[fm]CR[fm]WL[373.5];B[gl]CR[gl]BL[711.1];W[gn]CR[gn]WL[363.0] C[Bashan [13k\]\: i liked this move grendel [9k?\]\: this was good grendel [9k?\]\: Ersatz, I wanted to point out that your follow up moves were slow Bashan [13k\]\: but he made nice territory Ersatz888 [15k\]\: that was the point Ersatz888 [15k\]\: well how else to do it? (see 114A) ] TE[1] (;B[il]CR[il]BL[703.7] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: its still quite a ways off Ersatz888 [15k\]\: fortunately Bashan is a nice guy (see variations for what Bashan could have done)] (;W[kl]CR[kl]WL[355.6];B[jk]CR[jk]BL[701.2];W[jl]CR[jl]WL[337.9];B[ji]CR[ji] BL[686.0];W[jg]CR[jg]WL[308.3];B[ig]CR[ig]BL[682.7];W[jf]CR[jf]WL[263.8] ;B[if]CR[if]BL[680.1];W[im]CR[im]WL[260.2];B[hl]CR[hl]BL[674.1];W[kk]CR[kk] WL[229.1];B[kj]CR[kj]BL[669.1];W[rm]CR[rm]WL[203.3] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: grrrrr Bashan [13k\]\: don't worry, i think you'll live] ;B[rl]CR[rl]BL[646.0];W[ri]CR[ri]WL[171.0];B[qm]CR[qm]BL[639.7];W[pm]CR[pm] WL[150.3];B[pl]CR[pl]BL[634.4];W[nj]CR[nj]WL[147.8];B[ok]CR[ok]BL[630.0] ;W[pn]CR[pn]WL[146.4];B[rn]CR[rn]BL[628.1];W[ro]CR[ro]WL[145.1];B[sm]CR[sm] BL[626.4];W[rj]CR[rj]WL[140.9];B[rk]CR[rk]BL[624.0];W[oi]CR[oi]WL[124.8] ;B[pi]CR[pi]BL[616.6]TR[fd][ff] C[grendel [9k?\]\: the ikken tobi (triangles) can be cut grendel [9k?\]\: ikken = 1 point grendel [9k?\]\: tobi = jump grendel [9k?\]\: but really, the danger here was the forcing moves that white has grendel [9k?\]\: White E16 is a forcing move grendel [9k?\]\: black has to block at E17 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thats why I should played e16? grendel [9k?\]\: yep Ersatz888 [15k\]\: to not allow a forcing move? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: is that a general rule? grendel [9k?\]\: one forcing move isn't a problem Bashan [13k\]\: depends on how urgent the move is grendel [9k?\]\: it's that after E16, white can play F15 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: tho if I responded correctly grendel [9k?\]\: which generates another forcing move with F13 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: before me and go that is ] ;W[ed]CR[ed]WL[90.0] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I'd like to look at how w got into my centre moyo grendel [9k?\]\: this is what you mean... no the sequence starts here Ersatz888 [15k\]\: aha Ersatz888 [15k\]\: how to stop it grendel [9k?\]\: actually Bashan, you took the key point grendel [9k?\]\: black needed to play this point grendel [9k?\]\: otherwise a ko develops Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I was looking at that grendel [9k?\]\: and black doesn't want a big ko Bashan [13k\]\: still better than an invasion Ersatz888 [15k\]\: becuz b has more to lose? grendel [9k?\]\: black is ahead and black doesn't have a lot of big threats Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yea grendel [9k?\]\: I'm not sure if the threats white has are big enough grendel [9k?\]\: but he does have a number of them Ersatz888 [15k\]\: so lets look at how w gets in there ] ;B[ec]CR[ec]BL[614.1];W[fe]CR[fe]WL[90.0];B[ge]CR[ge]BL[604.3];W[fg]CR[fg] WL[90.0] C[Bashan [13k\]\: http\://senseis.xmp.net/?BasicInstinct Ersatz888 [15k\]\: what's basic instinct? Bashan [13k\]\: see "Block the thrust " ] ;B[ee]CR[ee]BL[598.2] (;W[eh]CR[eh]WL[90.0] (;B[dd]CR[dd]BL[591.7];W[gg]CR[gg]WL[90.0] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: this was a real dilemma];B[gh]CR[gh]BL[561.9];W[ih] CR[ih]WL[90.0] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: here's the other intrusion Ersatz888 [15k\]\: could I have handled this better? grendel [9k?\]\: I would have done this\: (see 150A) ] ;B[jh]CR[jh]BL[546.0];W[hh]CR[hh]WL[90.0] C[Bashan [13k\]\: oh , did i really take 7 minutes longer than you? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: it appears so ] (;B[hi]CR[hi]BL[504.9];W[ii]CR[ii]WL[90.0] (;B[hj]CR[hj]BL[499.2];W[gi]CR[gi]WL[90.0];B[fi]CR[fi]BL[491.2];W[hg]CR[hg] WL[90.0];B[ij]CR[ij]BL[486.3];W[kh]CR[kh]WL[90.0];B[ki]CR[ki]BL[480.8];W[lh] CR[lh]WL[90.0];B[ke]CR[ke]BL[475.6];W[je]CR[je]WL[90.0];B[ie]CR[ie]BL[470.6] ;W[kg]CR[kg]WL[90.0]SQ[fc:hc][gd:hd] C[(comparison with 164A\:) grendel [9k?\]\: black ends up with this grendel [9k?\]\: on top grendel [9k?\]\: and 7 points and 1 prisoner on bottom ] ;B[kd]CR[kd]BL[468.7] (;W[ld]WL[90.0]BM[1] C[grendel [9k?\]\: ok, Bash, you made a mistake in here Bashan [13k\]\: that was the first of my panic mistakes because I ran out of time ] (;B[df]CR[df]BL[459.0];W[eg]CR[eg]WL[90.0];B[cf]CR[cf]BL[456.8];W[bf]CR[bf] WL[90.0];B[cg]CR[cg]BL[447.8] (;W[ch]CR[ch]WL[90.0];B[bg]CR[bg]BL[444.8] C[Bashan [13k\]\: bummer Ersatz888 [15k\]\: sorry Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I was feeling vengeful from the last episode Bashan [13k\]\: sure, np! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: all in go is fair! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: (Stevie Wonder song) Bashan [13k\]\: all but escaping! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: true Ersatz888 [15k\]\: we hate escapers] ;W[ag]CR[ag]WL[90.0];B[ae]CR[ae]BL[429.2];W[bh]CR[bh]WL[90.0];B[af]CR[af] BL[418.6];W[bm]CR[bm]WL[90.0] (;B[bn]CR[bn]BL[359.5] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: the dreaded empty triangle Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i try so hard not to Bashan [13k\]\: me too, but in the endgame it's ok Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I didnt know that Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thats a relief of sorts grendel [9k?\]\: argh, I so want to talk now ---- Ersatz888 [15k\]\: whadya think of that one Gren? grendel [9k?\]\: not good Ersatz888 [15k\]\: becuz? grendel [9k?\]\: show me? Bashan [13k\]\: yes, here (see 185A) ] (;W[am]CR[am]WL[90.0] C[(during the game\:) grendel [9k?\]\: and you got so lucky (see 185A) ] ;B[an]CR[an]BL[344.9];W[kp]CR[kp]WL[90.0];B[lq]CR[lq]BL[341.1];W[ib]CR[ib] WL[90.0];B[hb]CR[hb]BL[338.8];W[jb]CR[jb]WL[90.0];B[on]CR[on]BL[321.1];W[oo] CR[oo]WL[90.0];B[qo]CR[qo]BL[306.2];W[po]CR[po]WL[90.0];B[qp]CR[qp]BL[305.0] ;W[rp]CR[rp]WL[90.0] C[grendel [9k?\]\: oh, so close grendel [9k?\]\: needed to clamp, not atari (What did you mean?)] ;B[qq]CR[qq]BL[302.8];W[rq]CR[rq]WL[90.0] C[thewall [10k\]\: R2 ];B[qr]CR[qr]BL[296.2];W[rr]CR[rr]WL[90.0];B[ps]CR[ps] BL[290.6] C[thewall [10k\]\: O_= ];W[qs]CR[qs]WL[90.0] C[Bashan [13k\]\: no time Bashan [13k\]\: i'm panicking Ersatz888 [15k\]\: dont panic Ersatz888 [15k\]\: just feel mild anxiety Ersatz888 [15k\]\: its only a game ] ;B[rs]CR[rs]BL[277.7];W[ss]CR[ss]WL[90.0];B[pq]CR[pq]BL[272.2];W[qs]CR[qs] WL[90.0];B[op]CR[op]BL[268.6];W[no]CR[no]WL[90.0];B[rs]CR[rs]BL[260.1] C[grendel [9k?\]\: white needed to fight that ko ];W[lm]CR[lm]WL[90.0];B[sr] CR[sr]BL[256.4] C[thewall [10k\]\: T2 is not nessessary grendel [9k?\]\: not really, but it doesn't hurt ] ;W[gb]CR[gb]WL[90.0];B[ha]CR[ha]BL[230.1];W[gf]CR[gf]WL[90.0];B[fe]CR[fe] BL[226.9];W[hd]CR[hd]WL[90.0];B[hc]CR[hc]BL[220.9];W[sf]CR[sf]WL[90.0];B[he] CR[he]BL[209.4];W[ds]CR[ds]WL[90.0];B[cr]CR[cr]BL[182.5];W[cs]CR[cs]WL[90.0] ;B[bs]CR[bs]BL[179.6];W[es]CR[es]WL[90.0];B[ar]CR[ar]BL[177.5] C[grendel [9k?\]\: B3 not A2 ]BM[1];W[bq]CR[bq]WL[90.0] C[thewall [10k\]\: yup, that was what i was thinking ];B[br]CR[br]BL[159.8] C[Bashan [13k\]\: i probably won't succeed Bashan [13k\]\: but i don't have time to count it out thewall [10k\]\: B4 grendel [9k?\]\: or connect ] ;W[cm]CR[cm]WL[90.0];B[lf]CR[lf]BL[145.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: hmm... nope, not necessary (What did you mean? This move or connect?) ] ;W[gs]CR[gs]WL[90.0];B[hs]CR[hs]BL[141.4];W[go]CR[go]WL[90.0]TR[fr] C[thewall [10k\]\: F2 grendel [9k?\]\: F2! ];B[ah]CR[ah]BL[137.2]TR[fr] C[thewall [10k\]\: F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 ^^ ];W[bi]CR[bi]WL[90.0];B[ai] CR[ai]BL[134.3];W[aj]CR[aj]WL[90.0];B[ag]CR[ag]BL[132.9];W[di]CR[di]WL[90.0] ;B[dk]CR[dk]BL[124.1]TR[fr] C[grendel [9k?\]\: neither of them see it... ];W[dl]CR[dl]WL[90.0];B[sc] CR[sc]BL[121.4];W[sb]CR[sb]WL[90.0];B[sj]CR[sj]BL[107.1];W[si]CR[si]WL[90.0] ;B[sk]CR[sk]BL[105.5];W[qi]CR[qi]WL[90.0];B[pj]CR[pj]BL[102.8];W[gp]CR[gp] WL[90.0];B[jr]CR[jr]BL[99.0];W[ll]CR[ll]WL[90.0];B[ss]CR[ss]BL[96.4] C[thewall [10k\]\: emmm grendel [9k?\]\: Ersatz is worried about a late game ko ] ;W[ng]CR[ng]WL[90.0];B[se]CR[se]BL[93.7];W[rg]CR[rg]WL[90.0];B[li]CR[li] BL[91.0];W[mi]CR[mi]WL[90.0];B[jp]CR[jp]BL[90.0];W[jo]CR[jo]WL[90.0];B[nn] CR[nn]BL[90.0] C[thewall [10k\]\: good yose for b ];W[mo]CR[mo]WL[90.0];B[ph]CR[ph]BL[90.0] ;W[pg]CR[pg]WL[90.0];B[lg]CR[lg]BL[90.0] C[grendel [9k?\]\: not bad, B got lucky once or twice ];W[kf]CR[kf]WL[90.0] TR[fr] C[thewall [10k\]\: B doesnt need to play f2, he s already won grendel [9k?\]\: I know grendel [9k?\]\: it's just a move that's screaming to be made... ] ;B[le]CR[le]BL[90.0];W[mg]CR[mg]WL[90.0];B[ia]CR[ia]BL[90.0];W[lb]CR[lb] WL[90.0];B[ja]CR[ja]BL[90.0];W[ka]CR[ka]WL[90.0] C[thewall [10k\]\: ? ];B[gd]CR[gd]BL[90.0] C[thewall [10k\]\: ??? ]BM[2];W[]WL[60.0];B[]BL[90.0] TW[la:na][pa:sa][kb][mb:mc][rb][lc][sg:sh][nh:ni][rh][ci][bj:bl][ak:al][em:eo][jm:kn][fn:fo][in][ln][fr:fs] TB[aa:gb][ac:cc][fc:gc][ad][ed][hd][od][be:de][pe][bf][gi:gk][ej][fk][hk:ik][pk:qk][nl:ol][sl][rm][sn:sq][ao:bq][ro:rr][cp:cq][kr:ks][mr:ms][pr][as][is:js][ls][ns:os][qs] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thanks Ersatz888 [15k\]\: it was an interesting game thewall [10k\]\: GG thewall [10k\]\: F2 thewall [10k\]\: SNAPBACK grendel [9k?\]\: shall we review? Bashan [13k\]\: wow, very deeating for me Ersatz888 [15k\]\: sure Ersatz888 [15k\]\: deeating? Bashan [13k\]\: ~~ defeating \:-) Ersatz888 [15k\]\: oh grendel [9k?\]\: Bashan, you were playing well until you got into byo-youmi grendel [9k?\]\: so I think you panicked about the time Bashan [13k\]\: yes, Bashan [13k\]\: i should learn how to think faster Ersatz888 [15k\]\: we should probably all play slower grendel [9k?\]\: no, 30 seconds is plenty of time for local decisions Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I must admit tho Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I dont like to play slow Bashan [13k\]\: yes, it should be grendel [9k?\]\: 30 seconds is really short for global decisions grendel [9k?\]\: so try to make your global decisions (or alternatives) while your opponent is playing Bashan [13k\]\: well, i'm a fan of Fisher time Ersatz888 [15k\]\: whats that? Bashan [13k\]\: http\://senseis.xmp.net/?KGSIssueFischerDiscussion Bashan [13k\]\: (I'm Sebastian on that website) Ersatz888 [15k\]\: as in Bobby? Bashan [13k\]\: yep grendel [9k?\]\: and don't forget you can always play a "throw-away" move if you're running out of time Bashan [13k\]\: what's a throwaway move? grendel [9k?\]\: playing an atari on an important stone Bashan [13k\]\: OK, such as move 121 in the famous game\: http\://senseis.xmp.net/?masterofgo grendel [9k?\]\: I know of the game, but I'm not sure what the exact move was Ersatz888 [15k\]\: F2? grendel [9k?\]\: F2 is a snapback for black Ersatz888 [15k\]\: awwwww Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I want my snapback grendel [9k?\]\: or, playing inside of a group in a way that must be answered, but isn't going to suceed Ersatz888 [15k\]\: now! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I did look at it Ersatz888 [15k\]\: but missed it Ersatz888 [15k\]\: wow ] ) (;W[an]CR[an] (;B[ao]CR[ao];W[bp]CR[bp] C[Bashan [13k\]\: but that's not so grave Bashan [13k\]\: W could have played B4 right away (see 186C) grendel [9k?\]\: what do you do here, Ersatz? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: A7] (;B[am]CR[am];W[cp]CR[cp] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yea Ersatz888 [15k\]\: point taken ]) (;B[cp]CR[cp];W[am]CR[am];B[bo]CR[bo];W[bq]CR[bq] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I knew it was wrong somehow grendel [9k?\]\: black now has eyespace problems ] )) (;B[bo]CR[bo];W[bq]CR[bq];B[cq]CR[cq] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: ugly]) (;B[bp]CR[bp] C[grendel [9k?\]\: oh, B4 not B5, sorry grendel [9k?\]\: I misread your message Bashan [13k\]\: np Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I gotta call it a night guys grendel [9k?\]\: this works Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thanks bash Bashan [13k\]\: Well, that was a great review! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thanks gren for re4view grendel [9k?\]\: but B6 is still pointless Bashan [13k\]\: Thanks a lot Ersatz888 [15k\]\: you dont have to stop grendel [9k?\]\: no, I should sleep as well Ersatz888 [15k\]\: lets def play again Bash grendel [9k?\]\: I'm going to Alexandria for brunch tomorrow morning Ersatz888 [15k\]\: where Alex? grendel [9k?\]\: I'm going to eat at a restaurant named "Bilbo Baggins" grendel [9k?\]\: Alexandria, VA Ersatz888 [15k\]\: sounds hobbity Ersatz888 [15k\]\: ahright Bashan [13k\]\: oh, nice name - do they also have a good library? grendel [9k?\]\: yep, I gotta try it... no, but they have wines and beers from around the world grendel [9k?\]\: Well, I've never been, they may have a library Bashan [13k\]\: OK, have fun, then! grendel [9k?\]\: g'night Ersatz888 [15k\]\: night all Bashan [13k\]\: Thanks a lot! grendel [9k?\]\: no problem ] ))) (;B[bo]CR[bo] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: right response then? grendel [9k?\]\: this empty triangle is ok Ersatz888 [15k\]\: ok ] ) (;B[bp]CR[bp] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is even safer Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yea ])) (;W[bg]CR[bg];B[ch]CR[ch];W[bh]CR[bh];B[ci]CR[ci];W[di]CR[di];B[bi]CR[bi] ;W[bj]CR[bj];B[ai]CR[ai];W[aj]CR[aj];B[gf]CR[gf];W[ah]CR[ah];B[hf]CR[hf] ;W[dg]CR[dg] C[Bashan [13k\]\: Oh, I see Bashan [13k\]\: thx ])) (;B[bf]CR[bf] C[grendel [9k?\]\: what Ersatz should have done is this grendel [9k?\]\: this clamp here is a tesuji grendel [9k?\]\: it's a great move Bashan [13k\]\: yes, i tried that somewhere at the top, too ] (;W[af]CR[af];B[df]CR[df];W[eg]CR[eg];B[cf]CR[cf] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yep grendel [9k?\]\: oh, nvm, this is still bad for white Ersatz888 [15k\]\: right ] ) (;W[ae]CR[ae] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i don't think that works grendel [9k?\]\: well, this is very bad for white ] ;B[df]CR[df];W[eg]CR[eg];B[cf]CR[cf]))) (;W[cg])) (;B[ij]CR[ij] C[Bashan [13k\]\: you were afraid of empty 3angle grendel [9k?\]\: not playing this was also a mistake grendel [9k?\]\: white's in atari Ersatz888 [15k\]\: where did I play? grendel [9k?\]\: Bash, can you give it to Er? ] ;W[hg]CR[hg];B[hj]CR[hj] C[grendel [9k?\]\: G10 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: g10 for who? ];W[hf]CR[hf] C[grendel [9k?\]\: H10 also works ];B[ie]CR[ie];W[he]CR[he];B[hd]CR[hd]TR[fc:hc][gd] C[grendel [9k?\]\: let's compare the two results (compare with 179) grendel [9k?\]\: black has 4 points on top grendel [9k?\]\: and 8 points on bottom grendel [9k?\]\: so, I was wrong, yours is better by 1 point Ersatz888 [15k\]\: not a big deal ] )) (;B[hg]CR[hg];W[ie]CR[ie];B[hf]CR[hf];W[he]CR[he];B[gf]CR[gf] (;W[eg]CR[eg];B[je]CR[je] C[grendel [9k?\]\: which doesn't work for white grendel [9k?\]\: so white has to do\: (see 161C) ] ) (;W[je]CR[je];B[hd]CR[hd];W[eg]CR[eg]))) (;B[gg]CR[gg];W[fe]CR[fe];B[eg]CR[eg];W[ee]CR[ee] (;B[fc]CR[fc];W[dg]CR[dg];B[fg]CR[fg] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: oh much better grendel [9k?\]\: this is the simplest grendel [9k?\]\: assuming that white doesn't fight the ko ] ) (;B[dg]CR[dg];W[fc]CR[fc];B[gd]CR[gd];W[fb]CR[fb] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is a fight grendel [9k?\]\: black is probably ok grendel [9k?\]\: but black is ahead Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i think so Bashan [13k\]\: still looks favonious for B grendel [9k?\]\: why risk it? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: exactly ] ))) (;W[eg]CR[eg] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I think white should have played this Bashan [13k\]\: hmm ] ;B[gg]CR[gg];W[fe]CR[fe] C[grendel [9k?\]\: now the ko is more favorable for white Bashan [13k\]\: i see Bashan [13k\]\: otherwise it's hanami ko grendel [9k?\]\: though black can probably just connect at G14 and be ok Ersatz888 [15k\]\: whats hanami? Bashan [13k\]\: a flower- view ko Bashan [13k\]\: good for one player Ersatz888 [15k\]\: ummmmm Ersatz888 [15k\]\: whats a flower view ko? grendel [9k?\]\: an inequal ko Ersatz888 [15k\]\: sorry Ersatz888 [15k\]\: so why flowers? grendel [9k?\]\: where one player has a lot to gain but risks very little Ersatz888 [15k\]\: condolence? grendel [9k?\]\: Japanese has lots of metaphors Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yes Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I love em Ersatz888 [15k\]\: or flowers as in sweet for one player? grendel [9k?\]\: I think it's more akin to the ritual of flower watching Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I see grendel [9k?\]\: where people go out and watch the cherry blossoms and relax] )) (;W[ih]CR[ih]) (;W[jh]CR[jh] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I feared that grendel [9k?\]\: something like this becomes nasty ] ) (;W[jg]TR[mf][jg][mh] C[grendel [9k?\]\: although, for shape, I guess it should be here Ersatz888 [15k\]\: why there instead? grendel [9k?\]\: long horse-head Ersatz888 [15k\]\: and long horse head makes best shape? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: oh yea grendel [9k?\]\: better shape than a 2 point jump] )) (;B[jg]CR[jg] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I think this makes nicer Ersatz888 [15k\]\: can w invate South now? ] ;W[il]CR[il];B[ik]CR[ik];W[hk]CR[hk];B[hl]CR[hl];W[jk]CR[jk];B[ij]CR[ij] ;W[jj]CR[jj] (;B[ji]CR[ji] C[(can w invade South now?) grendel [9k?\]\: not really ] (;W[im]CR[im] C[(this and the following move are a tewari analysis to be compared with 124B - assuming W would move here.) Ersatz888 [15k\]\: same thing i think Ersatz888 [15k\]\: just done in different order Ersatz888 [15k\]\: right? ] ;B[jl]CR[jl]) (;W[] C[If W tenukis ...];B[im]CR[im];W[jl]CR[jl];B[hm]CR[hm];W[in]CR[in];B[jm] CR[jm])) (;B[jl]CR[jl];W[im]CR[im];B[ji]CR[ji] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: thats a bit better I guess ]))) (;B[ib]CR[ib] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I think this is the move you should have made instead of connecting at K16 Ersatz888 [15k\]\: becuz? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: more points duh grendel [9k?\]\: I don't think you really need to worry about the cut Ersatz888 [15k\]\: w can't cut there? grendel [9k?\]\: and this also sets up a monkey jump against white Ersatz888 [15k\]\: true grendel [9k?\]\: I'm dubious of white managing to cut Ersatz888 [15k\]\: but does w have a cut at j16? ] )) (;B[qq]CR[qq] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I eventually did you know Ersatz888 [15k\]\: right ] )) (;W[ss]CR[ss] C[grendel [9k?\]\: if we assume that white plays elsewhere ... ];B[ko]CR[ko] ;W[kn]TR[kn][mn][lo][mp] C[Bashan [13k\]\: yes, i like the trumpet grendel [9k?\]\: also known as a lion's mouth] (;B[jn]CR[jn];W[jo]CR[jo] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I don't think a double hane benefits black here ]) (;B[jo]CR[jo]TR[kn][mn][lo][mp];W[jn]CR[jn] C[grendel [9k?\]\: ... so you're still out])) (;W[jn]CR[jn]) (;W[ho]CR[ho])) (;W[mr]CR[mr] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: does that work for w? grendel [9k?\]\: I think it does ] ;B[mq]CR[mq] (;W[kr]CR[kr];B[lp]CR[lp];W[kq]CR[kq];B[kp]CR[kp];W[js]TR[gr][js] C[grendel [9k?\]\: white's now connected on the bottom, if nothing else Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i dunno Ersatz888 [15k\]\: how so? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: play it out pls grendel [9k?\]\: the marked stones are a monkey jump ] (;B[hr]CR[hr];W[hs]CR[hs]) (;B[jr]CR[jr];W[ks]CR[ks] (;B[ir]CR[ir];W[is]CR[is];B[hr]CR[hr];W[hs]CR[hs]) (;B[is]CR[is] (;W[ir]CR[ir];B[hr]CR[hr];W[hs]CR[hs];B[iq]CR[iq];W[is]CR[is]) (;W[ms]CR[ms]) (;W[ls]CR[ls] C[Bashan [13k\]\: sorry, meant K2 grendel [9k?\]\: sorry, right grendel [9k?\]\: I forgot about the atari grendel [9k?\]\: one of my bad habits, esp. when I'm not playing grendel [9k?\]\: sorry - so white doesn't connect ] ;B[ir]CR[ir];W[nr]CR[nr] C[grendel [9k?\]\: white still lives Ersatz888 [15k\]\: so small tho grendel [9k?\]\: but not necessarily as good ] ;B[or]CR[or];W[ns]CR[ns];B[qr]CR[qr] C[grendel [9k?\]\: because of this Ersatz888 [15k\]\: bad for w in my opinion grendel [9k?\]\: yesh ] )))) (;W[lp]CR[lp]) (;W[nr]CR[nr];B[lp]CR[lp];W[kq]CR[kq];B[kp]CR[kp];W[kr]CR[kr];B[jr]CR[jr] ;W[ls]CR[ls];B[or]CR[or];W[oq]CR[oq] (;B[pq]CR[pq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this works for white ];W[op]CR[op];B[pr]CR[pr]) (;B[mo]CR[mo]) (;B[pr]CR[pr];W[ns]CR[ns] C[grendel [9k?\]\: well, black Q2 is still disquieting... ])))) (;B[in]CR[in];W[mm]CR[mm];B[ll]CR[ll];W[pm]CR[pm];B[pl]CR[pl];W[on]CR[on] ;B[ok]CR[ok])) (;B[oa]CR[oa]TR[pb:qb][qc:qd] C[grendel [9k?\]\: unless I've misread the board, white's invasion will die unless it can connect out grendel [9k?\]\: these make an "L in the corner" grendel [9k?\]\: which you can look up on SL Ersatz888 [15k\]\: is that dead? grendel [9k?\]\: I'm pretty sure it's unconditionally dead (later\:) Bashan [13k\]\: i can't find it on SL - grendel [9k?\]\: one sec Bashan [13k\]\: - does it have another name? grendel [9k?\]\: http\://senseis.xmp.net/?L1Group Bashan [13k\]\: you mean "Third L+1 Group? " grendel [9k?\]\: no, it wasn't the 3rd Bashan [13k\]\: well, the 4th, then ;-) grendel [9k?\]\: actually, I think it's not an "L-group" grendel [9k?\]\: the leg is going the other direction Bashan [13k\]\: yes, it's a J \:-) grendel [9k?\]\: it has the potential of becoming one of the L1 groups ] ;W[re]CR[re];B[rf]CR[rf] (;W[sd]CR[sd];B[pa]CR[pa];W[qa]CR[qa] (;B[sb]CR[sb];W[rb]CR[rb] (;B[sf]CR[sf];W[sc]CR[sc] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I dont see it yet Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i think I went the wrong way here grendel [9k?\]\: sorry grendel [9k?\]\: wrong play inside \:) ] ;B[rd]CR[rd] (;W[se]CR[se];B[rc]CR[rc]) (;W[rc]CR[rc];B[se]CR[se];W[sa]CR[sa])) (;B[sc]CR[sc])) (;B[rc]CR[rc];W[rd]CR[rd];B[rb]CR[rb] C[grendel [9k?\]\: and white should be dead Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I was very concerned with living Ersatz888 [15k\]\: not killing Bashan [13k\]\: so my pacifist propaganda did work! Ersatz888 [15k\]\: haha Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I preferred to live and let live Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I was very happy to have lived here Ersatz888 [15k\]\: it wasn't an easy kill Ersatz888 [15k\]\: and if I screwed up Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I'd probably die ] )) (;W[rd]CR[rd];B[pa]CR[pa];W[qa]CR[qa];B[sb]CR[sb];W[rb]CR[rb];B[sc]CR[sc] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is a ko for life, I believe Ersatz888 [15k\]\: k grendel [9k?\]\: but I think I made a mistake as black ] ))) (;W[qb]CR[qb]TR[pf] C[grendel [9k?\]\: now, white will live ... ] (;B[qd]CR[qd];W[pb]CR[pb] C[grendel [9k?\]\: ... either by connecting underneath grendel [9k?\]\: like this ] ) (;B[pb]CR[pb];W[re]CR[re] C[grendel [9k?\]\: ... or by playing this keima Bashan [13k\]\: makes sense grendel [9k?\]\: are you familiar with this variant of the 3-3? Bashan [13k\]\: does the keima take advantage of R12 ? Bashan [13k\]\: not really grendel [9k?\]\: no, you need the keima to build enough eyespace grendel [9k?\]\: and, in this situation, it threatens to connect with your weak group Bashan [13k\]\: so it does use its aji grendel [9k?\]\: that's just an extra \:) ] ; AE[qh] C[grendel [9k?\]\: even if the R12 stone was missing grendel [9k?\]\: the invasion will live Bashan [13k\]\: got it, thx grendel [9k?\]\: try playing out the variations sometime grendel [9k?\]\: eventually, white will need to play T18, or extend to S14 ] ))) (;B[dn]CR[dn];W[en]CR[en];B[eo]CR[eo];W[fo]CR[fo]) (;B[rm]CR[rm] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: too far? Ersatz888 [15k\]\: oh I see Ersatz888 [15k\]\: nvm Ersatz888 [15k\]\: it stinks ] ) (;B[ne]CR[ne] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: gren grendel [9k?\]\: this is still more valuable for black Ersatz888 [15k\]\: I dont think b can run out there grendel [9k?\]\: you don't need to Ersatz888 [15k\]\: you mean to make the extra eyes out there? grendel [9k?\]\: you will either be able to run out grendel [9k?\]\: or use forcing moves against white's weak group to carve out eyespace Ersatz888 [15k\]\: lets go on ] )) (;W[dn]CR[dn] (;B[dl]CR[dl];W[dm]CR[dm];B[dk]CR[dk];W[di]CR[di]) (;B[cm]CR[cm];W[dm]CR[dm]))) (;B[hq]CR[hq] C[Ersatz888 [15k\]\: i knew it grendel [9k?\]\: much better like this Ersatz888 [15k\]\: it forces me to defend on both sides Ersatz888 [15k\]\: yep ] )) (;W[ek]CR[ek] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I think this would have been better, but it definately looks like a fight Ersatz888 [15k\]\: to the death ] )) (;B[ne]CR[ne]) (;B[me]CR[me]))