(;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[SmartGo:1.4]CA[UTF-8] PW[Bashan]WR[14k] PB[windom]BR[14k] DT[2004-10-23] PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http\://kgs.kiseido.com/] TM[1500.0]OT[1x20 byo-yomi] KM[7.0] RE[B+Time] RU[NZ] GC[windom [14k\]\: hi windom [14k\]\: why is komi 7? Bashan [14k\]\: i had to decline so many offers windom [14k\]\: hehe windom [14k\]\: \:) Bashan [14k\]\: because NZ rules Bashan [14k\]\: http\://senseis.xmp.net/?NZRules Bashan [14k\]\: you can place handicap stones freely Bashan [14k\]\: it's basically like chinese rules windom [14k\]\: i see windom [14k\]\: so every stone is also a point? windom [14k\]\: okay i guess i understand later on \:) Bashan [14k\]\: yes - at the end you need to fill dame windom [14k\]\: hehe] C[ ] ;B[mp]CR[mp]BL[1468.6];W[pd]CR[pd]WL[1434.8];B[ek]CR[ek]BL[1454.3] C[windom [14k\]\: ok another strange opening grendel [9k?\]\: I won't comment on the opening grendel [9k?\]\: I'm not qualified to ] ;W[dd]CR[dd]WL[1407.0];B[mc]CR[mc]BL[1429.4];W[jc]CR[jc]WL[1377.4];B[me] CR[me]BL[1426.1];W[pf]CR[pf]WL[1372.8];B[ep]CR[ep]BL[1424.6];W[pp]CR[pp] WL[1358.4];B[jj]CR[jj]BL[1421.0];W[kg]CR[kg]WL[1348.7];B[je]CR[je]BL[1419.1] ;W[ke]CR[ke]WL[1347.2];B[kd]CR[kd]BL[1417.7];W[hd]CR[hd]WL[1334.0];B[jd] CR[jd]BL[1415.9];W[hf]CR[hf]WL[1327.4];B[ff]CR[ff]BL[1413.9];W[df]CR[df] WL[1319.4];B[fd]CR[fd]BL[1412.2];W[fe]CR[fe]WL[1317.5] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this can work to setup a connection underneath ];B[ee] CR[ee]BL[1410.9] (;W[ge]CR[ge]WL[1315.7]BM[1] (;B[de]CR[de]BL[1409.9];W[ed]CR[ed]WL[1313.7];B[fc]CR[fc]BL[1405.2];W[ce] CR[ce]WL[1310.5];B[ef]CR[ef]BL[1403.9];W[db]CR[db]WL[1291.7];B[cc]CR[cc] BL[1401.6] C[grendel [9k?\]\: do you two normally always make these raw peeps? Bashan [14k\]\: which one grendel [9k?\]\: this is a peep windom [14k\]\: it´s called a misclick from me windom [14k\]\: ;) grendel [9k?\]\: it's called a "raw" peep, when there's no follow up move grendel [9k?\]\: oh \:) Bashan [14k\]\: i have been criticised for them , too grendel [9k?\]\: I'll get to yours ] ;W[cd]CR[cd]WL[1284.9];B[cf]CR[cf]BL[1399.8];W[dg]CR[dg]WL[1282.4];B[cg] CR[cg]BL[1398.1];W[eh]CR[eh]WL[1273.7];B[fh]CR[fh]BL[1396.4];W[ch]CR[ch] WL[1267.4];B[bh]CR[bh]BL[1392.1];W[ci]CR[ci]WL[1255.2];B[bi]CR[bi]BL[1388.1] (;W[bj]CR[bj]WL[1235.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I was thinking this hane was too aggressive grendel [9k?\]\: you don't actually have a lot of liberties in your group Bashan [14k\]\: yes, i was speculating on some double threat grendel [9k?\]\: because E13 will put you into bad shape windom [14k\]\: no it means you get into bad shape... windom [14k\]\: ;) Bashan [14k\]\: yes, it also secured the left border ] BM[1]TR[eg] (;B[cj]CR[cj]BL[1386.0] (;W[bf]CR[bf]WL[1228.4];B[bg]CR[bg]BL[1384.2];W[bk]CR[bk]WL[1221.6];B[di] CR[di]BL[1382.1];W[dh]CR[dh]WL[1207.3];B[ei]CR[ei]BL[1379.8] C[Bashan [14k\]\: bummer, you are so good at that! windom [14k\]\: thanks Bashan [14k\]\: why do i always fall for his mean tricks? grendel [9k?\]\: because of that weakness, if you wanted to keep those stones, you needed to extend more windom [14k\]\: hehe Bashan [14k\]\: when? ] ;W[gb]CR[gb]WL[1187.0];B[be]CR[be]BL[1376.2];W[bd]CR[bd]WL[1182.8];B[af] CR[af]BL[1374.7];W[ad]CR[ad]WL[1172.2];B[ck]CR[ck]BL[1370.1] C[grendel [9k?\]\: Bashan, these white stones are dead grendel [9k?\]\: leave them be grendel [9k?\]\: even if you do get them to live, black will build up enormous thickness ] TR[bj:bk];W[cl]CR[cl]WL[1167.2];B[dl]CR[dl]BL[1368.0];W[ej]CR[ej]WL[1156.5] ;B[dj]CR[dj]BL[1359.8];W[hh]CR[hh]WL[1139.2];B[bl]CR[bl]BL[1357.3];W[co] CR[co]WL[1134.4] (;B[cm]CR[cm]BL[1353.5] C[(black shouldn't have taken) grendel [9k?\]\: but even assuming that black takes ... ] ;W[en]CR[en]WL[1130.5] C[grendel [9k?\]\: ... you could now successfully invade the corner with ease instead grendel [9k?\]\: ok, this was a bad play grendel [9k?\]\: massive overplay grendel [9k?\]\: splitting black does nothing for you grendel [9k?\]\: and it doesn't threaten black grendel [9k?\]\: his top group has eyes Bashan [14k\]\: i see grendel [9k?\]\: and you aren't in a position to attack his E4 stone ] BM[2];B[cp]CR[cp]BL[1351.3] C[grendel [9k?\]\: so he attacks your stone Bashan [14k\]\: this is a good explanaion grendel [9k?\]\: are you giving these up? Bashan [14k\]\: i didn't want to Bashan [14k\]\: but he always forced me to grendel [9k?\]\: then you need to do something right now to protect them ] (;W[kq]CR[kq]WL[1112.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: a tenuki is inviting him to kill those stones Bashan [14k\]\: ok, i thought i could still threaten him Bashan [14k\]\: what's the word for that again? Bashan [14k\]\: hybris windom [14k\]\: hehe grendel [9k?\]\: hubris? Bashan [14k\]\: yes grendel [9k?\]\: you may get some aji out of those stones later grendel [9k?\]\: and if I recall, they did end up living grendel [9k?\]\: but D5 is a severe attack on them grendel [9k?\]\: as for this stone grendel [9k?\]\: too low for an effective pincer grendel [9k?\]\: it is too low to help with an attack against N4 ] ;B[qn]CR[qn]BL[1344.8]TR[mp][kq] (;W[qj]CR[qj]WL[1103.0] C[grendel [9k?\]\: against the marked stone grendel [9k?\]\: this tenuki isn't a good idea grendel [9k?\]\: it's not really a pincer grendel [9k?\]\: it's too far away for a pincer Bashan [14k\]\: i just learned hat i should look for where the biggest profit is Bashan [14k\]\: and i thought it was at the border grendel [9k?\]\: it is grendel [9k?\]\: but you have to consider life before profit grendel [9k?\]\: urgent moves before big moves Bashan [14k\]\: yes, correct grendel [9k?\]\: especially against a player who constantly is attacking your stones Bashan [14k\]\: but it was a good extension for my group, or? ] TR[qn]BM[1] (;B[lh]CR[lh]BL[1343.3];W[jf]CR[jf]WL[1096.1];B[hi]CR[hi]BL[1339.7];W[gh] CR[gh]WL[1092.5];B[gi]CR[gi]BL[1337.1];W[lg]CR[lg]WL[1086.6];B[mg]CR[mg] BL[1335.5];W[kh]CR[kh]WL[1082.5];B[ki]CR[ki]BL[1334.1] (;W[mh]CR[mh]WL[1079.9];B[li]CR[li]BL[1332.7];W[mf]CR[mf]WL[1078.2];B[ng] CR[ng]BL[1331.2];W[nf]CR[nf]WL[1076.7];B[le]CR[le]BL[1328.1];W[nh]CR[nh] WL[1059.2];B[og]CR[og]BL[1325.6];W[ph]CR[ph]WL[1054.1];B[oh]CR[oh]BL[1318.3] ;W[mj]CR[mj]WL[1040.4];B[ni]CR[ni]BL[1314.6];W[mi]CR[mi]WL[1038.9];B[oi] CR[oi]BL[1313.6];W[ok]CR[ok]WL[1030.2];B[of]CR[of]BL[1311.2];W[ne]CR[ne] WL[1027.9];B[oe]CR[oe]BL[1310.0];W[nd]CR[nd]WL[1024.3];B[od]CR[od]BL[1308.9] ;W[nc]CR[nc]WL[1017.9];B[oc]CR[oc]BL[1307.6];W[nb]CR[nb]WL[1015.8];B[pe] CR[pe]BL[1306.0];W[pc]CR[pc]WL[1005.7];B[qe]CR[qe]BL[1303.6];W[pb]CR[pb] WL[1000.9];B[ob]CR[ob]BL[1301.8];W[oa]CR[oa]WL[986.4];B[lf]CR[lf]BL[1295.8] ;W[mb]CR[mb]WL[977.8];B[lc]CR[lc]BL[1293.3];W[lb]CR[lb]WL[972.6];B[kc]CR[kc] BL[1289.9];W[kb]CR[kb]WL[966.9];B[jb]CR[jb]BL[1288.8];W[ic]CR[ic]WL[964.8] ;B[ib]CR[ib]BL[1287.3];W[if]CR[if]WL[948.3];B[na]CR[na]BL[1285.9];W[ma]CR[ma] WL[944.2] C[Bashan [14k\]\: n19 was dumb grendel [9k?\]\: N19 was just as good as Q19 grendel [9k?\]\: though Q19 offres one less ko threat Bashan [14k\]\: no, because i had to play q later Bashan [14k\]\: exactly ] BM[1];B[ka]CR[ka]BL[1278.5];W[rc]CR[rc]WL[921.2];B[pg]CR[pg]BL[1275.9];W[qh] CR[qh]WL[915.5];B[qg]CR[qg]BL[1274.3];W[rh]CR[rh]WL[903.1];B[nj]CR[nj]BL[1272.5] ;W[mk]CR[mk]WL[889.8];B[nk]CR[nk]BL[1270.6];W[nl]CR[nl]WL[888.1];B[ml]CR[ml] BL[1269.6];W[ll]CR[ll]WL[882.5];B[mm]CR[mm]BL[1267.4];W[kk]CR[kk]WL[876.3] ;B[kj]CR[kj]BL[1264.7];W[lk]CR[lk]WL[871.4];B[jl]CR[jl]BL[1262.9];W[jk]CR[jk] WL[865.5];B[ik]CR[ik]BL[1261.4];W[ij]CR[ij]WL[840.8];B[ii]CR[ii]BL[1252.6] ;W[il]CR[il]WL[835.9];B[hk]CR[hk]BL[1251.0];W[jm]CR[jm]WL[832.3];B[im]CR[im] BL[1245.0] (;W[kl]CR[kl]WL[826.2]BM[1];B[md]CR[md]BL[1243.1] C[grendel [9k?\]\: now, you made a big, big mistake here grendel [9k?\]\: what does white have to do, right now? ] (;W[pa]CR[pa]WL[814.2]BM[2];B[kf]CR[kf]BL[1239.1];W[ih]CR[ih]WL[782.9];B[hc] CR[hc]BL[1235.8];W[gc]CR[gc]WL[766.4];B[id]CR[id]BL[1233.5];W[hb]CR[hb]WL[763.8] ;B[gd]CR[gd]BL[1220.8];W[ic]CR[ic]WL[758.3];B[fb]CR[fb]BL[1215.7] (;W[fa]CR[fa]WL[740.4]BM[1];B[ea]CR[ea]BL[1212.0] (;W[eb]CR[eb]WL[727.8];B[ga]CR[ga]BL[1210.5];W[ha]CR[ha]WL[723.5];B[ia]CR[ia] BL[1196.5] (;W[fa]CR[fa]WL[718.5] C[grendel [9k?\]\: but playing the ko out, when you didn't need to wasn't good ] BM[1];B[jn]CR[jn]BL[1194.0];W[in]CR[in]WL[672.7];B[ga]CR[ga]BL[1188.8];W[hc] CR[hc]WL[651.1];B[hm]CR[hm]BL[1179.0];W[kn]CR[kn]WL[631.1];B[jo]CR[jo]BL[1177.5] ;W[ko]CR[ko]WL[618.9];B[hl]CR[hl]BL[1175.1];W[nm]CR[nm]WL[593.7];B[mn]CR[mn] BL[1170.0];W[jp]CR[jp]WL[555.5];B[io]CR[io]BL[1166.6];W[ip]CR[ip]WL[543.2] ;B[ho]CR[ho]BL[1164.7];W[gq]CR[gq]WL[532.0];B[ol]CR[ol]BL[1163.0];W[pk]CR[pk] WL[506.6];B[pl]CR[pl]BL[1143.9];W[on]CR[on]WL[490.3];B[oo]CR[oo]BL[1141.7] (;W[pn]CR[pn]WL[484.3];B[po]CR[po]BL[1140.0];W[qm]CR[qm]WL[478.5];B[nn]CR[nn] BL[1138.3];W[ql]CR[ql]WL[447.1];B[pj]CR[pj]BL[1128.9];W[pi]CR[pi]WL[436.4] ;B[oj]CR[oj]BL[1126.4];W[qk]CR[qk]WL[416.3];B[om]CR[om]BL[1123.6];W[qo]CR[qo] WL[414.0];B[pm]CR[pm]BL[1122.2];W[rn]CR[rn]WL[411.8];B[pn]CR[pn]BL[1120.8] ;W[qp]CR[qp]WL[410.4] C[grendel [9k?\]\: you got the better end of the deal this way ];B[op]CR[op] BL[1119.7];W[oq]CR[oq]WL[388.9];B[gg]CR[gg]BL[1116.4];W[gf]CR[gf]WL[356.4] ;B[hg]CR[hg]BL[1112.7];W[ig]CR[ig]WL[333.9];B[fg]CR[fg]BL[1099.9] (;W[fj]CR[fj]WL[328.9] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is another raw peep Bashan [14k\]\: well, i jsut wanted to get out Bashan [14k\]\: wasn't that a ko threat? grendel [9k?\]\: not really grendel [9k?\]\: where can you run to? Bashan [14k\]\: you're right Bashan [14k\]\: i think i had a lot of wishful thinking in this game ] BM[1];B[jh]CR[jh]BL[1089.3] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is a sure capture of 3 stones grendel [9k?\]\: ok, can white connect? Bashan [14k\]\: no, bc snapback at j15 grendel [9k?\]\: right grendel [9k?\]\: so, you need to capture the F17 stones, right? Bashan [14k\]\: yes grendel [9k?\]\: what's the best way to do that? Bashan [14k\]\: e17? grendel [9k?\]\: right Bashan [14k\]\: you're right grendel [9k?\]\: not the ko Bashan [14k\]\: i feel so dumb Bashan [14k\]\: well, it was a fast game grendel [9k?\]\: yes grendel [9k?\]\: and you had very little time left grendel [9k?\]\: and as I noticed with Ersatz888, you need your time to think Bashan [14k\]\: yes, i often think too slow ] ;W[fa]CR[fa]WL[294.3]BM[1];B[km]CR[km]BL[1079.7];W[lm]CR[lm]WL[283.0];B[ga] CR[ga]BL[1070.2];W[fi]CR[fi]WL[250.5];B[eg]CR[eg]BL[1063.2];W[fa]CR[fa]WL[249.3] ;B[jg]CR[jg]BL[1060.5];W[ec]CR[ec]WL[244.6];B[gj]CR[gj]BL[1057.8];W[gn]CR[gn] WL[227.6] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this isn't a raw peep grendel [9k?\]\: but it's not good Bashan [14k\]\: its a bloody peep ] BM[1]TR[de][ek] (;B[hn]CR[hn]BL[1056.0];W[fo]CR[fo]WL[211.9];B[gp]CR[gp]BL[1054.4];W[fp] CR[fp]WL[210.3];B[fq]CR[fq]BL[1052.0];W[eq]CR[eq]WL[207.4];B[fr]CR[fr]BL[1050.5] ;W[gr]CR[gr]WL[199.8];B[er]CR[er]BL[1047.9];W[dq]CR[dq]WL[197.8];B[hq]CR[hq] BL[1041.8];W[hr]CR[hr]WL[188.6];B[dr]CR[dr]BL[1037.2];W[cq]CR[cq]WL[183.4] ;B[go]CR[go]BL[1030.0] C[grendel [9k?\]\: you also missed a good move here, Bashan (I didn't really miss it. I wasn't sure if i could live without an extra move.)] (;W[dp]CR[dp]WL[164.3]BM[1];B[iq]CR[iq]BL[1020.0];W[ir]CR[ir]WL[155.1];B[jr] CR[jr]BL[1014.4];W[jq]CR[jq]WL[151.5];B[hp]CR[hp]BL[1012.5];W[kr]CR[kr]WL[145.7] ;B[cr]CR[cr]BL[1009.3];W[br]CR[br]WL[128.5];B[bp]CR[bp]BL[1005.0];W[bq]CR[bq] WL[121.3];B[bo]CR[bo]BL[1003.3];W[cn]CR[cn]WL[106.8];B[bn]CR[bn]BL[1001.7] C[grendel [9k?\]\: now, G6 is another move that doesn't do you any good grendel [9k?\]\: how many eyes do you have? Bashan [14k\]\: one grendel [9k?\]\: there is a move you can play that will guarantee you a second eye grendel [9k?\]\: where is it? Bashan [14k\]\: e5 Bashan [14k\]\: no grendel [9k?\]\: it looks like it grendel [9k?\]\: but it isn't Bashan [14k\]\: e7 Bashan [14k\]\: just guessing Bashan [14k\]\: oh, forgot the corner! ] TR[em][eo] (;W[fn]CR[fn]WL[75.5];B[dn]CR[dn]BL[978.0];W[do]CR[do]WL[63.5];B[qd]CR[qd] BL[971.7];W[rd]CR[rd]WL[56.6];B[qc]CR[qc]BL[970.2];W[qb]CR[qb]WL[51.9];B[re] CR[re]BL[968.5];W[ra]CR[ra]WL[26.8];B[jc]CR[jc]BL[966.2];W[mr]CR[mr]WL[20.0] ;B[qr]CR[qr]BL[957.8];W[rq]CR[rq]WL[20.0];B[rr]CR[rr]BL[955.7];W[pr]CR[pr] WL[20.0];B[nq]CR[nq]BL[954.5];W[nr]CR[nr]WL[20.0];B[mq]CR[mq]BL[953.0];W[lq] CR[lq]WL[20.0];B[lp]CR[lp]BL[951.6] (;W[lo]CR[lo]WL[20.0] C[grendel [9k?\]\: I know what you were thinking this move did grendel [9k?\]\: but look at it again grendel [9k?\]\: Can black play L4? Bashan [14k\]\: he has one liberty too many grendel [9k?\]\: right Bashan [14k\]\: so we were both helping each other Bashan [14k\]\: \:-) (Actually, on rereading, I'm not sure if I understand this. Why would it make a big difference ("a big win for black")?)] (;B[mo]CR[mo]BL[945.6];W[kp]CR[kp]WL[20.0];B[ln]CR[ln]BL[944.0] C[(time out) windom [14k\]\: wow windom [14k\]\: b+4 windom [14k\]\: very even! Bashan [14k\]\: well, i have to learn to think faster Bashan [14k\]\: so this is a good practice for me to not fall for your guillotine windom [14k\]\: any comments from you how watched? grendel [9k?\]\: it was an odd game windom [14k\]\: yes i see windom [14k\]\: i agree. very odd grendel [9k?\]\: I noticed some tactical mistakes Bashan [14k\]\: yes, it always is with him windom [14k\]\: hehe ;) grendel [9k?\]\: want to go over them? windom [14k\]\: i am the absurdist windom [14k\]\: yup windom [14k\]\: give him control ---- grendel [9k?\]\: try playing untimed games grendel [9k?\]\: or 45 minute games Bashan [14k\]\: yes, that's a good idea grendel [9k?\]\: speed will come with experience grendel [9k?\]\: though, doing a lot of tsumego can help with that grendel [9k?\]\: ladder practice too Bashan [14k\]\: i am not good at the procedural things grendel [9k?\]\: what do you mean? Bashan [14k\]\: i'm still at problem 70 in Beginners exercises Bashan [14k\]\: i mean\: counting out moves Bashan [14k\]\: i mostly play by shape grendel [9k?\]\: that's where doing tsumego really helps grendel [9k?\]\: if you do it properly, and read out each move before guessing the answer grendel [9k?\]\: you will gain a lot of experience with reading grendel [9k?\]\: the same with learning how to read out ladders Bashan [14k\]\: do you think it through, or just quicly learn them? Bashan [14k\]\: i mean,when you do tsumego Bashan [14k\]\: i spend like half an hour on one problem grendel [9k?\]\: it depends on the problem set grendel [9k?\]\: there is a problem set on gobase.org grendel [9k?\]\: that I memorize grendel [9k?\]\: because it's all basic shape Bashan [14k\]\: good idea Bashan [14k\]\: i have an account thre, too grendel [9k?\]\: most of the time I don't guess, I read it out grendel [9k?\]\: of course, I still make mistakes \:) grendel [9k?\]\: but I read it out Bashan [14k\]\: or else you 'd be kami no itte grendel [9k?\]\: no grendel [9k?\]\: I wish, but no Bashan [14k\]\: i mean, if you didn't make mistakes Bashan [14k\]\: i used to have a pocket pc and did tsumego with it grendel [9k?\]\: just because you don't make mistakes in tsumego means that you don't know how to play the entire board Bashan [14k\]\: no, it just means you should go to the next book Bashan [14k\]\: \:-) grendel [9k?\]\: I mainly work with the problems in Many Faces of Go ] ) (;B[kp]CR[kp];W[mo]CR[mo];B[np]CR[np])) (;W[kp]CR[kp] C[grendel [9k?\]\: yeah, black should have cut Bashan [14k\]\: m6 grendel [9k?\]\: then it would have been a definate win for black Bashan [14k\]\: and then n5 ] )) (;W[bs]CR[bs] C[Bashan [14k\]\: b1! grendel [9k?\]\: right grendel [9k?\]\: your group is now completely settled, and you have two eyes ] )) (;W[hp]CR[hp] (;B[iq]CR[iq];W[jq]CR[jq];B[ir]CR[ir];W[jr]CR[jr]) (;B[cr]CR[cr];W[bq]CR[bq];B[br]CR[br];W[ar]CR[ar];B[bp]CR[bp];W[dp]CR[dp] ;B[bo]CR[bo];W[cn]CR[cn] C[grendel [9k?\]\: no difference on the left, though Bashan [14k\]\: yes ] ) (;B[dp];W[bp];B[cr];W[bq];B[bo];W[do];B[br];W[eo];B[dp];W[bn];B[cn];W[ao] ;B[bm];W[ar];B[gs];W[hs];B[iq];W[js];B[jr];W[kr];B[ir];W[fs] (;B[lp];W[kp]) (;B[es];W[jq];B[gs];W[is];B[fs];W[as];B[bs];W[aq]TR[co])))) (;B[go]CR[go] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is how black should have responded Bashan [14k\]\: yeah, nice connection (with the treat to cut at F6 later)] )) (;W[ji]CR[ji]) (;W[lj]CR[lj] C[grendel [9k?\]\: that's obviously a ko threat ])) (;W[po]CR[po];B[pn]CR[pn];W[no]CR[no];B[op]CR[op];W[np]CR[np];B[oq]CR[oq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: no, this doesn't work ];W[nn]CR[nn];B[nq]CR[nq] (;W[mq]CR[mq];B[lq]CR[lq];W[mr]CR[mr];B[mo]CR[mo]) (;W[mo]CR[mo];B[lo]CR[lo]))) (;W[hc]CR[hc] C[grendel [9k?\]\: you can also just go ahead and connect here ];B[jc]CR[jc] ;W[he]CR[he] C[Bashan [14k\]\: yeah, that's good ])) (;W[ga]CR[ga];B[eb]CR[eb] (;W[ec]CR[ec] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this also works Bashan [14k\]\: yes, or even d19 grendel [9k?\]\: d19 has more ko threats (QQQ\: How so?)] ) (;W[da]))) (;W[eb]CR[eb] C[grendel [9k?\]\: here, the clamp is the move you need grendel [9k?\]\: not F19 Bashan [14k\]\: it's a bamboo, too ] ;B[fa]CR[fa] (;W[ea]CR[ea] (;B[ga]CR[ga];W[ha]CR[ha]) (;B[ha]CR[ha])) (;W[ga]CR[ga];B[ia]CR[ia];W[ea]CR[ea];B[ha]CR[ha];W[ec]CR[ec] C[Bashan [14k\]\: oh, that's the kind of thing i've been waiting for! grendel [9k?\]\: much simpler Bashan [14k\]\: ok, another thing to remember\: bamboo and clamp ] ))) (;W[kf]CR[kf] C[Bashan [14k\]\: but of course! grendel [9k?\]\: L14 is super urgent grendel [9k?\]\: I would't have played N16 except as a huge ko threat Bashan [14k\]\: it's so obvious! ] ;B[id]CR[id];W[hc]CR[hc];B[ja]CR[ja];W[pa]CR[pa];B[la]CR[la];W[na]CR[na] C[grendel [9k?\]\: black dies Bashan [14k\]\: yes, i remember the remorse Bashan [14k\]\: whenever i looked at the black group Bashan [14k\]\: why do i forget this so soon? Bashan [14k\]\: That explains why I noticed that N19 was a bad move. I remembered that i was angry about when i felt i had to play q19 grendel [9k?\]\: right - L14 was the move you needed grendel [9k?\]\: you needed Q19 if black played K19 Bashan [14k\]\: wait, didn't i have to play q19 Bashan [14k\]\: ? grendel [9k?\]\: you didn't have to until black K19 grendel [9k?\]\: because black can't atari you until black playes K19 Bashan [14k\]\: yeah, right grendel [9k?\]\: here, the clamp is the move you need grendel [9k?\]\: not F19 ] )) (;W[hl]CR[hl] C[grendel [9k?\]\: white will end up with a better position from here grendel [9k?\]\: hmm... grendel [9k?\]\: though grendel [9k?\]\: it's still a fight ] ;B[km]CR[km];W[kl]CR[kl];B[jn]CR[jn];W[jl]CR[jl])) (;W[ie]CR[ie] C[grendel [9k?\]\: to be honest I would have done this grendel [9k?\]\: your center group is pretty settled here grendel [9k?\]\: so you can now play big points if he pushes more Bashan [14k\]\: i did that move eventually Bashan [14k\]\: or maybe not ] )) (;B[qq]CR[qq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: but what if black does this? Bashan [14k\]\: then i still can walk from the border group into the center Bashan [14k\]\: and threaten to link up with q4 grendel [9k?\]\: you can grendel [9k?\]\: and black will push on you from the N4 stone grendel [9k?\]\: then pincer L3 Bashan [14k\]\: yeah grendel [9k?\]\: and black will take a huge profit grendel [9k?\]\: can you see that, or should we play it out? Bashan [14k\]\: i can Bashan [14k\]\: thanks ] TR[mp][pp][kq])) (;W[nq]CR[nq];B[mq]CR[mq];W[on]CR[on] (;B[pk]CR[pk] C[grendel [9k?\]\: white can still get out into the center Bashan [14k\]\: i see ] ;W[hq]CR[hq] C[Bashan [14k\]\: that was the idea grendel [9k?\]\: well, it won't necessarily work like that (back up to other variation)] ) (;B[rp]CR[rp];W[qq]CR[qq];B[rq]CR[rq];W[rr]CR[rr];B[qp]CR[qp];W[pr]CR[pr] ;B[iq]CR[iq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: because black can do this Bashan [14k\]\: yea, i never know how to get sente ] )) (;W[oo]CR[oo] C[grendel [9k?\]\: at the very least, white needs to get into the center ] )) (;W[kp]CR[kp] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is better Bashan [14k\]\: i thought it could help me get shape windom [14k\]\: Er ist ziemlich gut. Stimmen Sie Bashan überein? Bashan [14k\]\: ja! grendel [9k?\]\: thank you windom [14k\]\: hehe windom [14k\]\: you know german? grendel [9k?\]\: babelfish is a wonderful thing \:) windom [14k\]\: aha Bashan [14k\]\: \:-)) grendel [9k?\]\: from here grendel [9k?\]\: if black does a double kakari ... ] ;B[qn]CR[qn]TR[pd][pf][cp][ep] C[windom [14k\]\: kakari? windom [14k\]\: what´s that grendel [9k?\]\: a shimari is a corner enclosure windom [14k\]\: ok grendel [9k?\]\: the marked stones are one type of shimari grendel [9k?\]\: a kakari is a move that prevents a corner enclosure, such as this. ] ;W[nq]CR[nq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: against the kakari white can settle him self easily grendel [9k?\]\: in a lead up to attacking Q6 ] (;B[mq]CR[mq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: why does black need to play this? Bashan [14k\]\: to make life hard for you ] ) (;B[mn]CR[mn];W[lq]CR[lq] C[grendel [9k?\]\: white is now connected windom [14k\]\: i see ] (;B[on]CR[on]) (;B[mq]CR[mq];W[mr]CR[mr];B[np]CR[np];W[oq]CR[oq];B[op]CR[op];W[qj]CR[qj] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this may be an acceptable result for black grendel [9k?\]\: central influence vs territory grendel [9k?\]\: but white settles easily and grabs a big point ] ))) (;W[do])) (;B[cq]CR[cq];W[cm]CR[cm];B[bm]CR[bm];W[bn]CR[bn];B[ak]CR[ak] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is still acceptable for black Bashan [14k\]\: ok ] )) (;W[bk]CR[bk];B[di]CR[di];W[dh]CR[dh];B[ei]CR[ei])) (;B[eg]CR[eg];W[dh]CR[dh];B[cj]CR[cj] C[grendel [9k?\]\: you have 6 stones here Bashan [14k\]\: yes, big loss grendel [9k?\]\: at most, this formation can have 11 liberties grendel [9k?\]\: in this situation, you only have 2 windom [14k\]\: true grendel [9k?\]\: windom's way was even better than this ] )) (;W[cj]CR[cj] C[grendel [9k?\]\: here grendel [9k?\]\: one more stone at the very least windom [14k\]\: i thought you would do that Bashan [14k\]\: ok grendel [9k?\]\: actually, I'm not sure if 1 stone is enough Bashan [14k\]\: yes, i only saw the splinner in his eye ] ;B[bj]CR[bj] (;W[bk]CR[bk] C[grendel [9k?\]\: but white is still in a bind here ]) (;W[fi]CR[fi] C[grendel [9k?\]\: this is probably what I would do Bashan [14k\]\: yeah and if he tenukis (whch he rarely does) f13 grendel [9k?\]\: he won't tenuki from here grendel [9k?\]\: I guarantee that \:) grendel [9k?\]\: but he can't cut at E11 because of F13 ] TR[fg];B[gh]CR[gh] C[windom [14k\]\: G12 windom [14k\]\: what would you do now as white? grendel [9k?\]\: tough call grendel [9k?\]\: I'd probably push on you ] (;W[gi]CR[gi] C[Bashan [14k\]\: that's better windom [14k\]\: then i play c9 ];B[ck]CR[ck] ;W[hh]CR[hh] C[windom [14k\]\: cut windom [14k\]\: e11 ];B[ei]CR[ei] (;W[ej]CR[ej] (;B[eg]CR[eg];W[dh]CR[dh] C[grendel [9k?\]\: right? Bashan [14k\]\: uh oh windom [14k\]\: where did e10 came from? grendel [9k?\]\: oh, very nice windom [14k\]\: whatever. i playD10 ] ;B[dj]CR[dj] C[windom [14k\]\: dead windom [14k\]\: hehe Bashan [14k\]\: it's magic windom [14k\]\: thanks grendel [9k?\]\: yeah, very nice ] ) (;B[fj];W[dj] C[windom [14k\]\: no no])) (;W[dj];B[ej];W[dk];B[di];W[cl];B[bk];W[dl] C[QQQ\: this would have been a possibility, right?])) (;W[ei])))) (;B[ed]CR[ed];W[ef]CR[ef] C[Bashan [14k\]\: that invited him to cut ];B[de]CR[de];W[ce]CR[ce];B[cd] CR[cd];W[dc]CR[dc];B[cc]CR[cc];W[ec]CR[ec];B[fc]CR[fc])) (;W[ed]CR[ed];B[ge]CR[ge];W[fc]CR[fc] C[Bashan [14k\]\: but my connection worked too, didn't it? ---- grendel [9k?\]\: do you two see how white is connected? Bashan [14k\]\: I see now - connection vs cut Bashan [14k\]\: ok, i'll remember it Bashan [14k\]\: ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ok, remember to play solidly ] ))